The Hidden Gem of the Narragansett Beach RI Air Show


The 2017 Rhode Island National Guard Open House Air Show was held during the weekend of May 20-21st – a Saturday and Sunday event.


A lesser-known preamble to the show is a gem of a presentation at nearby Narragansett Beach, about a twenty minute drive from the Quonset Point air show locale. On the Friday before the air show, a traditional short aerial display has been held, to the delight of the few thousand air show fans who lounge around the beach around the sunset hour.


Against colorful clouds and relatively calm seas, many of the weekend’s performers make a series of passes, some aerobatic and some not, for about 45 minutes to the delight of show organizers, staff, and the general public.


Among the performers that flew on Friday night this year were a RIANG C-130J Hercules, Sean D. Tucker, Randy Ball in his MiG-17,  and Mark Murphy in a Goodyear FG-1 Corsair. Here’s what you missed!!!

Ken Kula

Assignment and Content Editor, writer and photographer A New Englander all of my life, I've lived in New Hampshire since 1981. My passion for all things aviation began at a very early age, and I coupled this with my interest of photography during college in the late 1970s. I spent 35 years in the air traffic control industry, and concurrently, enjoyed my aviation photography and writing adventures, which continue today. I've been quite fortunate to have been mentored by some generous and gifted individuals. I enjoy contributing to this great site and working with some very knowledgeable and equally passionate aviation followers.

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