Author: Daniel O. Myers

The 2020 New York International “Drive In” Air Show

Photos by the author, Bob Finch, Howard German and Kevin Burke Due to continuing Covid-19 concerns, the August 29-30, 2020 New York International Air Show moved from its usual show site for the past five years, Stewart International Airport...

2020 Salute to America and The Great Cities of the American Revolution

The Great Cities of the American Revolution Flyover 2020 marked the nation’s 244th birthday. Due to nationwide Covid-19 virus concerns, most activities normally associated with the holiday (fireworks, parades, concerts, etc.) were canceled. In an effort to honor America’s...

“Operation America Strong” The USAF Thunderbirds and USN Blue Angels Salute New York’s and Philadelphia’s Health Care Workers and First Responders

The U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, and U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, the Thunderbirds, honored frontline COVID-19 first responders and essential workers with formation flights over New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia on April...

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