Category: Air to air photography

Hazy’s Gallery of Photos of the Week

  Here’s a running collection of Jim “Hazy” Haseltine’s Photos of the Week, it’ll be updated as a new photo is posted too. Enjoy these awesome air-to-air images of warplanes in their element! ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

C-160 Transall In the Air

The photography of Dietmar Schreiber/ The Transall C-160 was developed in the 1960s by the German-French consortium Transportation Alliance consisting of MBB, VFW-Fokker and Aerospatiale, as a tactical transport aircraft. The type designation of the high wing aircraft consists...

Dietmar and the Dove

The photography of Dietmar Schreiber/ During the Second World War, De Havilland was primarily known for the production of over 7700 Mosquitos. In 1943 De Havilland started to develop a successor for the DH89 Dragon Rapide, of which it...

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