Category: Helicopters

The 2015 Australia International Airshow

Editor’s note: the Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition 2017 and the 2017 Australian International Airshow will occur between February 28th and March 5th. Here’s a look back at the last event, two years ago… The Australian International Airshow...

Fire Air Assets Ready for Summer

What isn’t generally realised is that by the time of the disastrous and deadly 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, Australia already had a nascent but established response to more effectively share aerial fire fighting resources where they were needed most....

AirShow London’s Arrival Day Spectacular

Every once in a while, the moon and the stars are aligned just right, and things fall together on an air show arrival day that maxes out the “Fun Meter”. Close to ten hours of aviation excitement unfolded on...

Behind the Scenes During the 2016 New York Air Show

A lot of work and effort occurs before spectators view an air show – which usually lasts just a weekend. Realistically, for many of the larger air shows across the Northern Hemisphere, events within the event begin at least...