Category: Liasion Aircraft

The National Museum of the United States Air Force is 100 Years Old

U.S. Air Force photo by Ken LaRock, pilot Matt Kiefer Story by Ken Kula, Photos by John Freedman, Howard German and Ken Kula except where noted. History The National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) began as...

AirShow London’s Arrival Day Spectacular

Every once in a while, the moon and the stars are aligned just right, and things fall together on an air show arrival day that maxes out the “Fun Meter”. Close to ten hours of aviation excitement unfolded on...

Reading Pennsylvania World War II Weekend 2016

For twenty-six years the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum located at the Reading, Pa Regional Airport has conducted its World War II Weekend. Consistently attracting a large audience to any venue constantly requires something new and exciting. And that’s just what...

2016 TICO Warbird Air Show

Story by Ken Kula As part of a group of aviation photographers in the 1980s, we used to have a saying that if it’s TICO, it must be Spring! After all, that top-notch warbird air show occurred at the...

Les Neistat’s View: Tyabb, Australian Air Show

The biennial Tyabb Airshow took place this year, and while always well attended, this year saw it exceed expectations with a crowd of approximately 15,000. A clear highlight of the show was Graham Hosking’s Chance Vought F4U-5N (VH-III) Honduran...