Category: post

The 50th International Seaplane Fly-In at Greenville, Maine

Approaching the landing zone from overhead the village of Greenville, this Cessna 185 is about to land on Moosehead Lake. Story and photos by Ken Kula The town of Greenville, Maine sits on a bay at the southern end...

Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Night-Engine-Run Photo Shoot

Story and photos by Corey Beitler The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum held its 33rd annual World War II Weekend living history event and airshow on June 7, 8, and 9 at the Reading Regional Airport in Reading, Pennsylvania. The museum’s...

65th Aggressors Tan Flanker

The latest print I’m working on.. Joe Kates Owner/Head Photographer.. super talented web master is just thrilled by the print. We all know his favorite aircraft is the F-15 Eagle. And having attended several years of Red Flag Exercises...

A Scrapbook of Aerobatic Airplanes

Photos and text by Ken Kula It’s the beginning of air show season again in the Northern Hemisphere, while it’s just wrapping up in the Southern side. There are a surprisingly large group of pilots and their aircraft which...

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