Category: travel

30th Annual Simsbury Fly-In and Car Show

An entertaining and educational day spent at the Fly-In, but are storm clouds on the horizon? The Simsbury Flying Club presented its 30th Annual Fly-In and Car Show on the third Sunday of September, 2015. Three decades of fly-ins...

Alton Bay’s Other Flying Season

New Hampshire’s winter of 2014-2015 will stand out as one of the more severe seasons in recent memory. After a relatively warm and quiet beginning, a brutal cold snap and copious amounts of snow arrived later than usual, after the start...

TransNorthern Aviation, Flying Alaska On Demand

According to the Alaskan Department of Transportation, 82% of towns and communities in their state are not connected by roads, and only 2% of the state’s land mass is accessible by roadway. Little wonder then that there are over...

Lake Hood Seaplane Base – Alaska’s Floatplane Pinnacle

Known officially as the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, the 49th state’s largest and busiest airport is really comprised of three airfields that operate as one cohesive and spectacular aviation beehive. Two smaller facilities sit just east of the...

Maho Beach… Been There, Done That, Got the T-shirt!

I’ve travelled to some truly special places to satisfy my passion for aviation photo opportunities. I’ve photographed airliners at London’s Heathrow and Amsterdam’s Schiphol airports, from Imperial Hill near LAX, and at a score of other interesting facilities around...

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