Category: U S Army Air Force


Story and photos by Scott Jankowski  AirVenture always puts together a fantastic gathering of both Prop and Jet powered Warbirds, 2024 saw a total of 337 Warbirds in attendance. Once again, this year there was a fantastic mix of...

The Return of the Genny We Know

The National Warbird Museum held their 43rd annual Airshow on July 12-14, 2024 in Geneseo, New York. Also known as The Greatest Show on Turf, the place I call “Genny” returned to the traditional second weekend in July time...

NATO Turns 75 Years Old in 2024 – An Air Forces Review

One of NATO’s own E-3A Sentry AWACS aircraft in its 50th Anniversary color scheme – 25 years ago. Story and Photos by Ken Kula On April 4, 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed by twelve countries...

Book Review: Detail & Scale P-47 Thunderbolt

  Reviewed by Don Linn Summary: Title and ISBN: Detail & Scale P-47 Thunderbolt By Bert Kinzey, art by Rock Roszak Detail & Scale Aviation Publication ISBN: 979-8-8587405-8-2 Contents and Media: Available in print format, or digital format from...

The National Museum of the United States Air Force is 100 Years Old

U.S. Air Force photo by Ken LaRock, pilot Matt Kiefer Story by Ken Kula, Photos by John Freedman, Howard German and Ken Kula except where noted. History The National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) began as...

The Commemorative Air Force’s Airpower History Tour Lands at Westfield, Massachusetts

Photographs by Scott Zeno “Experience the sights, smells and sounds of historic World War II aircraft” announces the Commemorative Air Force’s (CAF) web site. So, this sensory overloaded visit occurred at the Barnes Municipal Airport from June 8th through...

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