Gearing Up For the 2017 New York Air Show


For the third consecutive year, the skies over New Windsor, New York will be ablaze with color and sound as the New York Air Show puts aloft a varied group of aerial performers. The past two years’ efforts have put this fledgling air show on the national map, featuring U. S. military, civilian and local talent.

The 2017 show, to be held during the July 1st and 2nd weekend, features the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels, the Air Force’s F-16 Viper demo, and a host of other performers. One of the local performers is based at the Stewart International Airport, where the show will be held. The New York Air National Guard’s 105th Airlift Wing will fly a demonstration of their big C-17 transports.

Although the show has only a recent history, it has showcased some stunning talent. For its inaugural year, there was no national military jet team, but a total of five solo military demonstration teams performed. For reviews, go to: and .

Last year, the 2016 show was headlined by the U. S. Air Force Thunderbirds. Local military performers included the 105th AW’s first public C-17 flight demonstration and the U. S. Army’s “Black Knights” West Point Parachute Team. For reviews of this show, go to: and .

This year’s 2017 edition features the Blue Angels, 105th AW C-17 Globemaster III demo, the Air Force’s F-16 Viper demo, the West Point “Black Knights” Parachute Team, GEICO Skytypers, B-25 Panchito, and civilian aerobatic performers Mike Wiskus and David Windmiller. A special feature will be the Air Force Heritage Flight, featuring a new Air Force F-35 Lightning II (Joint Strike Fighter) paired with a World War II vintage P-51 Mustang. More announcements of additional performers and features may be coming as the show gets closer too.

The New York Air Show organization has already been busy during this 2017 air show season, hosting the Patrouille de France in March and April as they made their way through their 2017 North American Tour. For more information about the tour, read here: . Stewart International Airport made headlines in many national travel journals this spring when discount air carrier Norwegian Airlines and its affiliates announced that they will begin flights from Stewart to Europe in Boeing B-737 MAX 8 jets this summer – and some will be no doubt visible during the 2017 air show. You can keep up with fast-breaking developments at the show’s web site: and don’t forget to return to here, along with our sister publications and, for some detailed reviews after the show!

Ken Kula

Assignment and Content Editor, writer and photographer A New Englander all of my life, I've lived in New Hampshire since 1981. My passion for all things aviation began at a very early age, and I coupled this with my interest of photography during college in the late 1970s. I spent 35 years in the air traffic control industry, and concurrently, enjoyed my aviation photography and writing adventures, which continue today. I've been quite fortunate to have been mentored by some generous and gifted individuals. I enjoy contributing to this great site and working with some very knowledgeable and equally passionate aviation followers.

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