Hello…and welcome to Photorecon.net
Aviation photography is the art of capturing images of aircraft, either in flight, or on the ground. Like other specialties in photography, aviation photography requires knowledge of special techniques and of the aircraft to be done properly. There are different types of aviation photography, including air-to-air, ground-to-air, ground-static, and remote photography.
Through our parent company High Alpha Imaging we specialize in all aspects of Aviation photography as well as Corporate, Commercial, or Location shoots.
All types of photographic commissions are undertaken, from interior and exterior to ground studies through to air-to-air and flight deck operations, all photo shoots are carried out according to your personal specifications.
Please browse our site and click the links to our other sites to get an idea of the quality of or work. Joe Kates and David Budd, the founders of this site as well as the chief photographers have experiences in aviation photography at various airports around the world ,specializing in the southwestern United States. Whether it is on the ground or in mid-flight, these two men will take their expertise to flight with you!! Capturing the moment with their photos!
Joe Kates, is a photographer from Arizona. He is the founder of the website phxspotters.com. He has a vast knowledge of Military and Civil aircraft and airport operations. Spotting aircraft around the Phoenix airport is a great hobby. The clean air and abundant sunshine combine to produce great weather in which to get good photographs of aircraft. Plus there are a lot of yearly airshows that happen in the Phoenix area. Joe is well connected and is often seen at all the best locations. If photography is needed in Arizona then Joe is your man..
The other half of Photorecon is.. David Budd, is a photographer from Nevada. His knowledge of aircraft , photography and website development, makes him the “King of Las Vegas” in aviation photography says his friends. He is also very knowledgeable when taking photographs in the Southern Nevada region but travels out of state to cover some of the bigger events. Dave likes to travel to Arizona to cover some of the major events. He feels they are close enough to home and can make it out for the day.
Images may not be published or used for commercial or exhibition use without the express written consent of Photorecon.net / High Alpha Imaging. So if you have met Joe or Dave recently and have stopped by to take a look around..we thank you.
Taking photos is our life but using them in some fun way is even more pleasurable. We often get asked what kinds of shots we got at air shows while talking with people we’ve met or later on when we get emails from people. As this site expands we will try to post more and more of our work and hopefully some of you will get to see the images you asked about. I know Joe is a candid shot taker and loves to add people and their personalities to his shots.
Recently we were at the Planes of Fame High Country Fly-In in Valle, Arizona and Joe saw a very young boy walking around in a Thunderbirds flight suit. He posed the boy in front of a couple warbirds and took his photo from many different angles. A few weeks ago while at the airshow in Las Cruces, New Mexico Joe managed to get introduced to Major David “Booster” Graham who is the pilot for the USAF F-16 Viper West Demo team. Joe was then asked to get involved and to take some high resolution photos for the Major and for the team’s website. Joe was granted access to the ‘hot pit’ while Major Graham readied the F-16 for the demo flight and the taxi out. It’s rare opportunities like this that keeps us motivated and primed for the next big show.
You actually have to show up at an event if your gonna cover it. Joe is lucky that he knows a lot of people and has developed many friendships that gets doors opened for him and that is why we came up with this website and the name “Photorecon”.
Enjoy!! It’s a lot of work, but that we do behind the scenes makes it easy for you to use the internet to see images from airshows that you may not have been able to attend. As a group, we are dedicated to bringing you aviation photos and news.