Tagged: author

It’s All About Timing

We all know about it, waiting for the best Sun angle, waiting for the Pushback to disconnect, Wing Walkers out of the shot, and click. That is how my journey begins with Photorecon.Net. It was a dull grey overcast...

Planes Of Fame Airshow 2015

I was checking into the hotel and the pretty lady behind the counter asked what I was doing in town? I told her I was here for the airshow. She had no clue there was an airshow this weekend....

Breitling Jet Team at Sun N Fun 2015

Yannick Diry is an “Engineer”, who watches his jets carefully. In America he would be a simple “A&P Mechanic”, when you are from Europe, you are an “Engineer”. As he explains it, it’s something more than being a mechanic....

The National Championship Air Races 2014

  September. For the majority of the world, this is just another month on the calendar. Usually the harbinger of fall, and with it the beginning of school, cooler weather, the end of summer and depending on location, maybe...

The Airshow at AirVenture 2014

At the end of every summer in Oshkosh Wisconsin there is a gathering that’s billed as the “world’s greatest aviation event”. The Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual convention is known by its location… Oshkosh; but officially it’s known as “AirVenture”.  ...

Buy a Brick at AirVenture

The Experimental Aircraft Association was start by Paul Poberezny in 1953.   Over the years, their annual convention and airshow has moved from Hales Corner, Wisconsin to Rockford, Illinois. In 1970, the event moved to its current location in Oshkosh,...

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