Tagged: Captain

USAF Aggressors 40th Reunion

At the invitation of Col (ret) Gail “Evil” Peck, I got a rare “outsider’s” opportunity to attend part of the USAF Aggressors’  40th Reunion on June 1st 2012 at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.  The Friday event was...

Historic Marine VMO-6 Flying Unit Gone, Not Forgotten

Marine Observation Squadron Six (VMO-6) can trace its’ origins back to the formative years of Marine Aviation.  Active for slightly less than half of the century of Marine Corps aviation, the squadron served during the 1920s’ Nicaragua Campaign, World...

Red Flag 12-2 Media Day

On Tuesday, January 31, 2012, fifty photojournalist from around the world gathered at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. They were here to photograph aircraft that were participating in the current Red Flag exercise. Simply stated, Red Flag is an...

Blue Angels 2011

Every year 11,000,000 people look into the skies at airshows and see six blue and gold F-18s performing precision aerobatics representing the best the United States as well as the Navy and Marines have to offer.  The Blue Angels...

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