Tagged: chino

2014 Planes of Fame Airshow

Mooney International: Planes of Fame Air Show 2014  “A Salute to the Mighty Eighth” There really is nothing like the sound that a mass of warbirds firing up brings, or the sound of them flying by at low level...

“Mooney Rises”

Chino, CA – Mooney International’s comeback tour landed at the Planes of Fame Airshow on May 3-4, as they played host sponsor of the show. Mooney International was founded in 1929, and has manufactured more than 11,000 aircraft worldwide....

Planes Of Fame Airshow 2013

Chino, Ca.- Despite the recent Sequestration Budget Cuts, Chino’s Planes of Fame Museum hosted a historical 2013 air show on May 4th and 5th. With the featuring of five of only seven airworthy P-38 Lightnings in the world today,...

2012 Cable Airshow – Birddog Style

 On January 7, 2012 at 6:00 am, I made my way to the Planes of Fame Air Museum in Chino, California. There, I was to be a passenger in the museum’s Cessna L-19 Birddog that was scheduled to be...