Tagged: Dallas

Camarillo Air Show 2015

The Wings over Camarillo Airshow had something for everyone of all ages…just as billed. For those that showed up early, the Ventura County 99s cooked an amazing pancake breakfast, an annual treat of the show. For the kids in...

TF-51D Galveston Gal Lost

About noon on October 23, 2013, TF-51D N4151D Serial 44-73458 of the Lone Star Flight Museum crashed into a bay near Houston Texas.  It had been on a pleasure flight taking a British tourist for a ride.   Both the...

HMLAT 303 – Training the Future of Light Attack

Before HMLAT-303 was established in April 1982, Marine Corps helicopter pilots received advanced aircraft training at their fleet squadron after completing basic flight training. Overtime, the Marine Corps realized that this method of training was a drain on squadron...

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