Tagged: F4U Corsair

2016 TICO Warbird Air Show

Story by Ken Kula As part of a group of aviation photographers in the 1980s, we used to have a saying that if it’s TICO, it must be Spring! After all, that top-notch warbird air show occurred at the...

Wings Over Gillespie Airshow 2013

It’s year Eighteen for the Annual Wings Over Gillespie Airshow, nestled in the valley between El Cajon and Santee, California, it’s on site of a former WWII United States Marine Airfield and Parachutist School. This is a small show,...

Homecoming in Pensacola

The 2011 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow was held under bright skies and cool conditions on the Friday and Saturday of Veteran’s Day weekend.  The marquee flying act, as always, was the Blue Angels.  Their homecoming late in the year...

A Reunion of Legends

On April 14, 2011 VMA 214 Black Sheep hosted a historic squadron reunion at MCAS Yuma. The reunion was attended by three of the five remaining original Black Sheep Squadron members (Ed Harper, Jim Hill, and Harry Johnson). In...

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