Tagged: Hornet

Blue Angels Legacy Hornet and Hercules Scrapbook

The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps’ Blue Angels have retired all of their Legacy aircraft during the 2020 calendar year. Gone is the Marines KC-130T “Fat Albert Airlines” transport, as well as the F/A-18A/B/C/D Hornets. New aircraft in the...

Australian International Airshow 2017 – Avalon, Victoria

Avalon 2017 was characterised by the involvement of the Australian Defence Force – led by RAAF – the Royal Australian Air Force. Avalon provides the alternate venue for the ADF’s airshow presence. Air Force’s Plan Jericho, now well established,...

The 2015 Australia International Airshow

Editor’s note: the Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition 2017 and the 2017 Australian International Airshow will occur between February 28th and March 5th. Here’s a look back at the last event, two years ago… The Australian International Airshow...

Seventy Years Strong: The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels

On April 24, 1946, shortly after the Second World War ended, Admiral Chester Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations, directed that a “flight demonstration team be organized within the Naval Advanced Training Command to represent the Navy at air...

VMFAT-101 Visiting Long Beach Airport

The sound of military jets could be heard all over the city of Long Beach, California during the Labor Day weekend. The source of that sound was Marine Flight Attack Training Squadron VMFAT-101 know as “The Sharpshooters” based at...

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