Tagged: KC-135 Stratotanker

Red Flag 14-2 Concludes

The second of a planned three Red Flags for 2014 has come to a close as Red Flag 14-2 concluded on March 14th. This Red Flag was dominated by F-15’s and F-16’s from five different countries which included Belgium,...

Luke Days 2014

As has been a tradition for many years, Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, Arizona once again hosted is bi-annual Luke Days open house. And as has been traditionally one of the finest airshows produced, this year was no different....

Tanker Crews Keep ‘Em Flying at Red Flag

An exceptional array of aircraft contribute during each Red Flag exercise. Participation runs the gamut  from mighty USAF B-2 stealth bombers to visiting allied aircraft like the Colombian Air Force’s Kfir C2s, which attended Red Flag 12-4. Of all...

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