Tagged: London

Airshow London 2018

  Airshow London 2018 7-8 September 2018 London International Airport, Ontario, Canada I attended Airshow London 2018 at London International Airport, in Ontario Canada, on 7 & 8 September 2018. For reference – London is about 116 miles/186 km...

Atlantic City, NJ Thunder over the Boardwalk Air Show 2014

Grab the kids, grab the cooler, grab the beach blanket, chairs and umbrella, and let’s head to the beach. It’s time for the twelfth annual Atlantic City, NJ “Thunder over the Boardwalk” Air Show; a mid-week, family fun, non-stop...

Maho Beach… Been There, Done That, Got the T-shirt!

I’ve travelled to some truly special places to satisfy my passion for aviation photo opportunities. I’ve photographed airliners at London’s Heathrow and Amsterdam’s Schiphol airports, from Imperial Hill near LAX, and at a score of other interesting facilities around...

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