Tagged: media

Red Flag 12-2 Media Day

On Tuesday, January 31, 2012, fifty photojournalist from around the world gathered at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. They were here to photograph aircraft that were participating in the current Red Flag exercise. Simply stated, Red Flag is an...

Dr.Sky Joins Media For Launch Of STS-135/ Shuttle Atlantis

Dr.Sky was given the high honor of being a part of the last space shuttle launch (STS-135), attending as part of the media. This was the first time that I have seen a live launch and memory of the event, will last a lifetime! I had arrived in Florida on July 7th, with poor weather prospects predicted for the Friday morning launch; (11:26AM EDT). Heavy rain was all around us for a good portion of Thursday, July 7th,

Red Flag 11-3 Media Day

Once again Air Forces from many different nations met at Nellis AFB to simulate war games during Red Flag 11-3. This Flag had RAF G4 Tornadoes from the UK show up. One had the Commemorative scheme from TWO squadron....

Red Flag 11-02 Media Day

On January 25, 2011, Nellis Air Force Base Public Affairs hosted a media day for Red Flag    11-2.  Photorecon attended along with 38 other aviation photographers from all over the nation. Since 1975, Red Flag exercises have been taking...

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