Tagged: metal

Ken Middleton’s Scale Modeling

Aviation photography is a passion of mine, particularly military aviation. So, coupled with that, I also build plastic scale model kits of aircraft. As a kid, I built World War 2 planes, tanks and ships, and also cars and...

The National Championship Air Races 2014

  September. For the majority of the world, this is just another month on the calendar. Usually the harbinger of fall, and with it the beginning of school, cooler weather, the end of summer and depending on location, maybe...

American Bonanza Society Flies-In to Savannah GA

The American Bonanza Society (ABS) convened its Spring 2013 Fly-In in the historic and elegant city of Savannah Georgia during the long weekend of May 16th through the 19th.  The more than 200 registered participants (pilots, spouses, friends and...

Olympic Air Show 2012

Rain and clouds was not enough to keep air show fans from flocking to the annual Father’s Day Show that is put on by the Olympic Air Museum at Olympia Regional Airport. This show is put on by the...

Heavy Metal Jet Aerobatic Team

The real airshow season in America starts at TICO (which comes from Titusville Cocca Airport Authority) every spring in Florida.  This event is the annual fund raiser for the Valiant Air Command.  This year something new happened which has...

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