Each September at a small, nondescript airport north of Reno, Nevada, a unique, amazing and unmatched aviation event occurs. Only here can spectators enjoy world class air racing, a breathtaking airshow, and a magnificent static display. The National Championship...
In his eighth year working with Rolls-Royce and The National Aviation Heritage Invitational Joe Jones/Airmail Greetings was elated to report, Mission Accomplished, AND this one is going right into the Smithsonian A&S Museum too!!!! In celebration the 25th anniversary...
Reno 2011 was gonna be the first year that I attended the Reno Races and stayed for the entire week. I wanted to experience Reno in full effect. From the arrivals day.. all the way to the following Monday...
We have been following our friend Mike “MAJ” McDougall of Fighting Classics, as he and the crew have been working to build/fly the TA-4J N518TA. The aircraft is done and looking great. We had arranged to come out and take...
National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrines joined presenting sponsor Rolls-Royce North America, Inc. in awarding the Rolls-Royce Aviation Heritage trophy to the 1945 North American P51-D NACA 127. Owned by William Allmon of Las Vegas, Nev. and restored by...
The vision and mission of the National Aviation Heritage Invitational is to encourage the preservation of aviation history through the restoration of vintage aircraft to original flying condition. The National Aviation Heritage Invitational promotes aircraft restoration via friendly competition,...