Tagged: Nellis

Aviation Nation Roars Back to Life at Nellis AFB

After a one year hiatus due to a base inspection, 2016’s Aviation Nation roared back to life in the Nevada desert just north of the famous Las Vegas strip. Approximately 300,000 visitors entered the bases over the span of...

Red Flag 11-3 Media Day

Once again Air Forces from many different nations met at Nellis AFB to simulate war games during Red Flag 11-3. This Flag had RAF G4 Tornadoes from the UK show up. One had the Commemorative scheme from TWO squadron....

Nellis Open House 2009

We had a wonderful time both days at the Aviation Nation now renamed Nellis Open House. Not sure if it is official but we are hearing now with budget cuts that the Air Force has had to cut back....

Nellis AFB Open House 2009

We heard that it is no longer called Avaition Nation but rather the Nellis AFB Open House. Something about budget cutting and no longer having Civilian Performers doing routines at a Military Base. Thanks Obama!!

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