Tagged: Oshkosh

Flying FIFI at Tico 2012

TICO is the annual fundraising airshow for the Valiant Air Command down in Titusville, Florida.   The airport is literally in the shadows of the Kennedy Space Center on the east coast of Florida.  Since what seems like the beginning...

2011 Aviation Events – My Year In Review

2011 Aviation Events – My Year In Review In 2011, my main focus in aviation photography was to cover the Centennial of Naval Aviation (CONA) from both the air show side of the celebration as well as some day-to-day...

Joe meets Bob Odegaard at Reno Races

While walking around Reno last week we had the pleasure to bump into Bob Odegaard and had a chance to talk with him. He was piloting this fine Supper Corsair in the races and we watched a few different...

Sun n Fun 2011

Last year, the EAA show at Oshkosh was became known as “Sloshkosh” after some significant rainstorms.   Well, this year Sun n Fun bested it by a few orders of magnitude.  I’ve been going to SnF for 25 years and...

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