Tagged: P-51 Mustang

We mourn the passing of Robert A. “Bob” Hoover, “The Greatest Stick and Rudder Man Who Ever Lived.”

  (Photo: Smithsonian/National Air & Space Museum) One of the greatest pilots in aviation history passed into the eternal Wild Blue Yonder on October 25, 2016, R. A. “Bob” Hoover. The ninety-four year old Hoover passed away at his Los Angeles home...

Fleet Week, NYC 2016

I spent the Thursday of Fleet Week NYC 2016 on the Flight Deck of the USS Bataan LHD-5, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship. Later that week, my Saturday May 28th was spent at Republic Airport, at the American Air...

2016 TICO Warbird Air Show

Story by Ken Kula As part of a group of aviation photographers in the 1980s, we used to have a saying that if it’s TICO, it must be Spring! After all, that top-notch warbird air show occurred at the...

Joint Base Andrews 2015 Air Show

Government budget cuts and a federal sequestration precipitated a four year suspension to the Joint Base Andrews air show. Returning with renewed enthusiasm, the theme for 2015 was “America’s Airfield: Celebrating History, Celebrating Freedom.” The celebration was an opportunity...

LA County Airshow 2015

The Los Angeles County Air Show roared back to life over the Antelope Valley on March 20th and 21st. Headlining this second year show was the United States Air Force Demonstration Team, the Thunderbirds. With a beautiful blue sky...

The National Championship Air Races 2014

  September. For the majority of the world, this is just another month on the calendar. Usually the harbinger of fall, and with it the beginning of school, cooler weather, the end of summer and depending on location, maybe...

2014 Wings Over Camarillo Airshow

“Wings Over Camarillo” was held at the Commemorative Air Force’s Southern California Wing Headquarters from August 23rd through August 24th. With a great back drop, excellent lighting, and outstanding weather, Camarillo’s annual airshow is a must for aviation photographers....