Tagged: show

Australian International Air Show 2001

Miles M3A Falcon Major I was very fortunate to be able to attend the 2001 Australian International Air Show… some twenty years ago. It was as much a trade show as it was an air show, and what you...

Our Air Show Preview for 2022

Night photography, Thunder Over Michigan 2021 by Shawn Byers We’re planning our 2022 event campaign as the year changes on our wall calendars. Already, a pair of hoped-for military air shows have been cancelled this year. Undoubtedly there will...

A Look Back: The 2017 Defenders of Liberty Air Show

Before I was a Media Contributor, I was an avid air show photographer attending 8 to 10 shows a season.  In addition to my annual driving-distance shows, I would take one trip that was a fly-and-drive, going someplace I...

The 2020 New York International “Drive In” Air Show

Photos by the author, Bob Finch, Howard German and Kevin Burke Due to continuing Covid-19 concerns, the August 29-30, 2020 New York International Air Show moved from its usual show site for the past five years, Stewart International Airport...

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