Tagged: Spitfire

Reading Pennsylvania World War II Weekend 2016

For twenty-six years the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum located at the Reading, Pa Regional Airport has conducted its World War II Weekend. Consistently attracting a large audience to any venue constantly requires something new and exciting. And that’s just what...

A Hero’s SALUTE!

Some exciting news from the hills of West Virginia…a WWII themed aviation event is coming to Charleston, West Virginia October 25, 2014. West Virginia has not been home to such an event in its’ 151 years as a state....

2014 Wings Over Camarillo Airshow

“Wings Over Camarillo” was held at the Commemorative Air Force’s Southern California Wing Headquarters from August 23rd through August 24th. With a great back drop, excellent lighting, and outstanding weather, Camarillo’s annual airshow is a must for aviation photographers....

2014 Planes of Fame Airshow

Mooney International: Planes of Fame Air Show 2014  “A Salute to the Mighty Eighth” There really is nothing like the sound that a mass of warbirds firing up brings, or the sound of them flying by at low level...

Planes Of Fame Airshow 2013

Chino, Ca.- Despite the recent Sequestration Budget Cuts, Chino’s Planes of Fame Museum hosted a historical 2013 air show on May 4th and 5th. With the featuring of five of only seven airworthy P-38 Lightnings in the world today,...

50th Anniversary Abbotsford Air Show!

It was August 11th and 12th 1962 when the very first airplanes took to the skies at Abbotsford International for an airshow. Fifty years later the show goes on, attracting demo teams from around the world to perform at...

Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s – 21st Anniversary World War II Weekend

The stage was set for the 21st annual WWII Weekend in Reading PA. The cast of characters were the over 2000 military and civilian re-enactors, that assembled here to provide an awesome living history experience.

It has been characterized by many as like being on a movie set…you pass through the gates and you find yourself in a quaint French villa. Soldiers mingling about, while families sit outside their homes, enjoying a cool breeze

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