Tagged: Stewart International Airport

Behind the Scenes During the 2016 New York Air Show

A lot of work and effort occurs before spectators view an air show – which usually lasts just a weekend. Realistically, for many of the larger air shows across the Northern Hemisphere, events within the event begin at least...

The Inaugural New York Air Show

Last minute changes forced show promoter Brian Lilly Co. to find a new venue for the 2015 New York Air Show. Originally scheduled for Coney Island Brooklyn NY, the promoters had just seventy-one days to manage all of the...

The Five Solo Military Demo Teams at the 2015 New York Air Show

The inaugural New York Air Show at the Stewart International Airport drew countless spectators on the strength of its flying schedule. Normally, an air show will draw large crowds if there’s a military multi-aircraft demonstration (sometimes known as a...

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