Our Boeing 777 Scrapbook


A Korean Air Boeing B-777 about to touch down after a long-haul flight.

A Boeing B-777 prototype first flew in 1994. The standard -200 series jetliner, capable of a gross takeoff weight of 660,000 pounds, can seat up to 360 passengers, depending upon an airline’s specifications. Longer ranged versions of the standard fuselage versions include the B-777-200ER and the B-777-200LR; the latter version flew non-stop between Hong Kong and London in a whopping 22 hours and 42 minute flight.

There are freighter versions of the -200 series jets as well, expediting precious cargo between continents. Here’s a scrapbook of B-777-200 jets, including freighters:

The enlarged, and longer-ranged B-777-300 series jetliner can carry almost 400 passengers. The B-777-300ER series can depart weighing 775,000 pounds. The economics of this twin-engined jet won over many airlines with better economics than the four-engined Airbus A-340 and even the Boeing B-747-400. The first of this -300ER version entered operation in 2004.

A freighter version of the -300ER has been in development since 2019, through an airliner-to-cargo conversion program. Here’s a scrapbook of B-777-300 jets, including the best-selling -300ER version:

All told, over 1,600 B-777s of all versions have been delivered, and over 2,000 have been ordered since the program’s inception. The newest variant of the B-777 will be the B-777X, the prototype of which first flew in early 2020. Several versions of this enlarged and refined version of the “777” will enter service in the 2022-2023 timeframe.

Joe Kates

Joe Kates is the founder of Photorecon. Joe has been into aviation since he was a child and has a incredible amount of knowledge to do with planes or aviation in general. Today Joe is the owner and Managing Editor of Photorecon.

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