Photrecon contributing editor Doug Aguillard Featured in Combat Aircraft Magazine


Congratulations to Photorecon contributing editor Doug Aguillard. Doug’s report is  featured in the June 2015 issue of  Combat Aircraft Magazine. The article, that also appears here on our site is a look at the history  of  VMFA-323 ‘Death Rattlers’ including a great interview with Lt Col Brian Schenk, commanding officer of VMFA-323 ‘Death Rattlers’.

Pick up a copy of The World’s Favorite Military Aviation Magazine at a news stand near you.

Great job Doug,  keep up the good work.

Joe Kates

Joe Kates is the founder of Photorecon. Joe has been into aviation since he was a child and has a incredible amount of knowledge to do with planes or aviation in general. Today Joe is the owner and Managing Editor of Photorecon.

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