Random Aviation Photos #1


Howard German caught this Royal Danish Air Force F-16 charging through Star Wars Canyon on a bright day in 2017.

Good Day Everyone! Here’s a new feature that we’ll be running regularly in the pages of Photorecon.net. “Random Aircraft Photos” will feature two dozen assorted aircraft photos… roughly two-thirds of these will be current military aircraft, the other third will include warbirds, commercial, general aviation, and other subjects. It’ll be kind of a box of assorted candy for the eyes!

Former U.S. Army Bell UH-1H , now used by the Bridgeport, Connecticut police department for aerial support, approaches its landing trolley. 

Anything might show up here… military fighters, bombers, recon aircraft, transports, helicopters… and other topics like retired airframes, boneyard photos, airshow photos and more. Each photo will have a caption too… with at least the type of aircraft you’re looking at and maybe much more.

USMC Sikorsky CH-53D landing at an off-base exercise in Yuma, Arizona.

With more than two dozen contributors worldwide, we have plenty to share. You can plan on every second weekend of each month (except this month of course) that we’ll have a new volume posted. Of course, we add content every week, so be sure to visit us often!

New Mexico Air National Guard A-7D Corsair II being prepared to enter storage at AMARC.

Boeing B-707-330B is reportedly configured with 30 seats… it once served as a Lufthansa jetliner for almost 20 years.

Romanian Air Force Alenia C-27J at the Radom, Poland, at the Centennial of the Polish Air Force’s air show.

Although being used by the International Red Cross recently, this C-47B has served with the U.S. Army Air Force, French Air Force, South African Air Force, and the former Yugoslavian Air Force… and is a turboprop conversion equipped with Pratt and Whitney PT6A-65-AR engines.

USAF KC-10A Extender arriving at the former Pease AFB during sunset.

This German Army EC-135 is used for flight training; it was visiting Leeuwarden Air Base in the Netherlands during an  air show.

Czech Air Force Saab JAS-39C Gripen at Radom Air Base in Poland, wearing Tiger Meet colors in 2013.

Kelowna/Convair 5800 at Abbotsford, BC Canada was originally a USAF C-131F transport. Kelowna Flightcraft extended the fuselage for freight, sources state that only two or three were produced.

U.S. Navy MH-60S approaches the NAS Oceana ramp for landing.

A MiG-21bis in colors similar to those of the Hungarian Air Force (but not positive of its prior use) sits outside the hangars of Draken International in Lakeland, Florida.

This DeHavilland Canada NU-1B Otter is used for training at the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland.

South Carolina Air National Guard “Swamp Fox” F-16C SEAD jet down in the weeds in Star Wars Canyon.

Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint arriving at NAS Pensacola during the evening “sweet light” hour.

The French Navy’s last SA-321G Super Frelon was retired in 2010. The type was also used by military air arms of Israel, Iraq, Libya, South Africa, and People’s Republic of China. The type once held a world record for speed in its class in 1963.

A Lockheed S-3B Viking, operated by the VX-30 Bloodhounds, banks in front of the crowd during the parade of flight for the Centennial of Naval Aviation’s North Island, California celebration.  VX-30 retired the final Navy S-3B in 2016, handing over the keys of the last operational Viking to NASA.

Austrian Air Force Saab 105O jet, used for light attack and training.

Saab S-35XD Draken fighter, at the Edwards AFB before an air show. Utilized by the National Test Pilot School, based at Mojave, California, the type is a photorecon variant, sometimes described as a RF-35. It is no longer active on the U.S. register.

Boeing T-45C Goshawk, wearing Training Wing Two special colors, at NAS Pensacola Florida in 2011.

PZL W-3WARM Anakonda of the Polish Navy is one of eight airframes built specifically for rescue purposes. This sits on the Radom Air Base ramp in 2004.

Cessna T-37C jet trainer photographed in 2006. The design is a 50+ year veteran of Air Force use, originally introduced in 1957, and finally retired in 2009. 

Westland Sea King HC4+ in Tiger camouflage colors at a Royal International Air Tattoo some time late last century.

Joe Kates

Joe Kates is the founder of Photorecon. Joe has been into aviation since he was a child and has a incredible amount of knowledge to do with planes or aviation in general. Today Joe is the owner and Managing Editor of Photorecon.

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