Tagged: 2009

Seaplane Spotting in British Columbia, in 2009

August, 2009 was hazy and warm in the Canadian Province of British Columbia . Unfortunately, forest fires contributed to the haze, and stole some of the boldness of the Abbotsford Air Show that year. Still, the northwestern corner of...

Nellis Open House 2009

We had a wonderful time both days at the Aviation Nation now renamed Nellis Open House. Not sure if it is official but we are hearing now with budget cuts that the Air Force has had to cut back....

Nellis AFB Open House 2009

We heard that it is no longer called Avaition Nation but rather the Nellis AFB Open House. Something about budget cutting and no longer having Civilian Performers doing routines at a Military Base. Thanks Obama!!

Steven Hinton wins Reno 2009

Steve Hinton Jr., 22, became the youngest pilot to win the top prize at the National Championship Air Races in Reno Sunday, Sept. 19th. Hinton flew the highly-modified P-51 Strega to victory in the Breitling Gold Unlimited Race at...

Street Vibrations Reno 2009

Not only was there the Reno Air Races from Sept. 17-20th but The Street Vibrations Fall Rally rolled in on September 23-27, 2009 in Reno, Nevada (NV). As well as the surrounding areas including Carson City, Virginia City and...

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