Tagged: T-45

Meet the C.O.

This is the first in a series, where we informally sit down and speak with the Commanding Officer of various military units. Simply called the C.O. he/she is responsible for everything, and I do mean everything that happens within...

Photocall NAF El Centro

On November 17th 2011 Photorecon was an invited guest of APSOCAL http://www.apsocal.com/ to attend the  NAF El Centro Photocall.  The chance to attend this event is one we look forward to, as this has to be the closest access to live...

Homecoming in Pensacola

The 2011 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow was held under bright skies and cool conditions on the Friday and Saturday of Veteran’s Day weekend.  The marquee flying act, as always, was the Blue Angels.  Their homecoming late in the year...

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