Tagged: Brigadier General

Luke 1 flies first ‘student’ F-35 sortie

The 56th Fighter Wing officially began training new F-35 pilots today when the first student, Brigadier General Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing commander, flew the wing’s first training sortie. Luke has a long and storied history of training fighter...

Miramar Air Show 2012

Every year for 3 days in October, an estimated crowd of over 700,000 make the journey to MCAS Miramar near San Diego, CA. It was no different this year, and the 2012 Miramar Air Show continued to bring smiles...

Historic Marine VMO-6 Flying Unit Gone, Not Forgotten

Marine Observation Squadron Six (VMO-6) can trace its’ origins back to the formative years of Marine Aviation.  Active for slightly less than half of the century of Marine Corps aviation, the squadron served during the 1920s’ Nicaragua Campaign, World...

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