Tagged: Instructor

Luke 1 flies first ‘student’ F-35 sortie

The 56th Fighter Wing officially began training new F-35 pilots today when the first student, Brigadier General Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing commander, flew the wing’s first training sortie. Luke has a long and storied history of training fighter...

Meet the C.O.

This is the first in a series, where we informally sit down and speak with the Commanding Officer of various military units. Simply called the C.O. he/she is responsible for everything, and I do mean everything that happens within...

American Bonanza Society Flies-In to Savannah GA

The American Bonanza Society (ABS) convened its Spring 2013 Fly-In in the historic and elegant city of Savannah Georgia during the long weekend of May 16th through the 19th.  The more than 200 registered participants (pilots, spouses, friends and...

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