Tagged: seaplane

Seaplane Spotting in British Columbia, in 2009

August, 2009 was hazy and warm in the Canadian Province of British Columbia . Unfortunately, forest fires contributed to the haze, and stole some of the boldness of the Abbotsford Air Show that year. Still, the northwestern corner of...

Lake Hood Seaplane Base – Alaska’s Floatplane Pinnacle

Known officially as the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, the 49th state’s largest and busiest airport is really comprised of three airfields that operate as one cohesive and spectacular aviation beehive. Two smaller facilities sit just east of the...

39th Annual International Seaplane Fly-In 2012

Greenville Maine might take a note from the famous Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem about Paul Revere…” one if by land, two if by sea”.   The town is fortunate to have a pair of community airports; the Greenville Municipal Airport...

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