Tagged: Antique

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2014 Awards

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2014 Awards to Restored Aircraft Recipient of the Neil A. Armstrong Aviation Heritage Trophy National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinees joined presenting sponsor Perform Air. in awarding the Grand Champion Neil A. Armstrong National...

2014 Reno Air Races – Heritage Invitational Preview Video

Here are some of the planes entered in this year’s National Aviation Heritage Invitational, held during the Reno Air Races at Stead Field. Check out these amazing restorations and very unique aircraft. By LiveAirShowTV   2014 National Aviation Heritage...

2013 COPPERSTATE Fly-In & Aviation Expo a Big (Non-Towered) Hit!

More than 6,000 attendees, volunteers, vendors and pilots enjoyed a wide variety of aircraft at the 2013 COPPERSTATE Fly-In & Aviation Expo — the 41st annual event’s first year as a non-towered operation.   CASA GRANDE, ARIZ. (Nov. 20,...

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2012 Awards

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2012 Awards to Restored Aircraft and Inaugural Recipient of the Neil A. Armstrong Aviation Heritage Trophy. National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinees joined presenting sponsor Perform Air in awarding the Grand Champion Neil A....

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