Rockford 1966 to AirVenture 2016
A few months short of age seven, I knew I loved aviation. I’d flown with dad many times and had seen my first P-51D (N51KB… Then N988C) fly. As best I can remember, I’d been to a local airshow...
A few months short of age seven, I knew I loved aviation. I’d flown with dad many times and had seen my first P-51D (N51KB… Then N988C) fly. As best I can remember, I’d been to a local airshow...
On April 24, 1946, shortly after the Second World War ended, Admiral Chester Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations, directed that a “flight demonstration team be organized within the Naval Advanced Training Command to represent the Navy at air...
The 2011 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow was held under bright skies and cool conditions on the Friday and Saturday of Veteran’s Day weekend. The marquee flying act, as always, was the Blue Angels. Their homecoming late in the year...
Thunder over Michigan is the best “themed” airshow in the country as well as one of the biggest. Most airshows follow a pattern of “try to get airplanes” so people will come and watch it (hence raising money for...
As I get older, it takes more to get me out of the house. It takes a lot more to get me and 150+ pounds of camera gear to move cross country 2200 miles to California. The Chino Airshow...