Tagged: Rhode Island National Guard Open House and Air Show
This article with photos is the second of three parts written by Kevin Burke, who was fortunate to witness Sean D. Tucker’s flying prowess closer than most! The 2018 air show campaign will be Mr. Tucker’s final solo aerobatic season Kevin…....
The 2017 Rhode Island National Guard Open House and Air Show offered a “Trains to Planes” rail service to the air show venue, from a trio of easily accessible commuter rail stations. I took the train on the first...
United States Navy East Coast Hornet Demo Team 2016 Rhode Island National Guard Open House and Airshow The United States Navy East Coast Hornet Demo Team is based at Naval Air Station Oceana, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is...
It’s rare to see a foreign jet team perform at U.S. air shows, especially one making its North American debut. The team’s original schedule called for nineteen show sites, each selected where The Breitling Company has a strong market...
The on-line dictionary Encarta defines the word trifecta like this: “1. bet on first 3 in race …a bet… that involves selecting the competitors that will come in the first three places in the correct order. 2. set of...