Tagged: trip

My Trip to MCAS Kaneohe Bay and Hawaii in 2007

Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay is located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Just prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor, the original aviation facilities were built for Navy PBY Catalina patrol bombers. In fact, construction hadn’t...

My Trip to the Walt Ray Memorial

A Helicopter Trip to the Walt Ray Memorial By Ray Nixon May 2017 I walked into the unparalleled Hahn’s World of Surplus in North Las Vegas looking for a Nomex flight jacket and some MRE’s for my aviation survival...

The Legacy of a Legend,The Trip of a Lifetime

A few weeks ago..Amelia Rose Earhart  recreated and symbolically completed her namesake’s famous around the world flight. Veteran Television and Radio reporter, Amelia Rose Earhart, completed an amazing journey around the world, in her Pilatus PC-12 NG. All this,...

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