Tagged: America

Atlantic City, NJ Thunder over the Boardwalk Air Show 2014

Grab the kids, grab the cooler, grab the beach blanket, chairs and umbrella, and let’s head to the beach. It’s time for the twelfth annual Atlantic City, NJ “Thunder over the Boardwalk” Air Show; a mid-week, family fun, non-stop...

Buzz Aldrin at Sun N Fun 2014

It’s just another day here at Sun N Fun, in the nicest weather we’ve had for years.  Of course to offset it I’m the sickest I’ve been in my life, can’t breathe, no sleep, turns out I had Bronchitis, which...

TF-51D Galveston Gal Lost

About noon on October 23, 2013, TF-51D N4151D Serial 44-73458 of the Lone Star Flight Museum crashed into a bay near Houston Texas.  It had been on a pleasure flight taking a British tourist for a ride.   Both the...

Flying Yankees Begin A New Mission in 2013

The 103rd Airlift Wing (AW) of the Connecticut Air National Guard (CTANG) celebrates 90 years of flying heritage in 2013. This milestone takes place as the Wing transitions from a period of uncertainty to a new mission in a...


Spacefest is a unique gathering of astronauts, space scientists and space artists with a something special for every space enthusiast and collector both young and old. It was conceived and organized by Kim Poor and Novaspace to fill a...

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