Tagged: Colorado


By John Bigelow By early summer, 1959, my friend, Murray, an ex-F-86 fighter jock fresh from the Royal Canadian Air Force, and I, a furloughed Canadian C-46 copilot, were newly graduated crop-dusters. Murray had landed a job flying Stearmans...

WTI 15-1

As the sun rises over the Sonoran desert to the east, the U.S. Marines at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, are already at work, getting their aircraft ready for another day of the WTI’s. It’s that time of...

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2014 Awards

National Aviation Heritage Invitational Announces 2014 Awards to Restored Aircraft Recipient of the Neil A. Armstrong Aviation Heritage Trophy National Aviation Hall of Fame Enshrinees joined presenting sponsor Perform Air. in awarding the Grand Champion Neil A. Armstrong National...

Luke Days 2014

As has been a tradition for many years, Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, Arizona once again hosted is bi-annual Luke Days open house. And as has been traditionally one of the finest airshows produced, this year was no different....

The Red Flag Tanker Flight 14-1

As anyone who is into Military Aviation knows, the Red Flag exercise is held several times a year at Nellis Air Force Base, just north of Las Vegas, NV. It is probably the most media covered exercise each and...

Red Flag 14-1

Las Vegas, NV- The 414th Combat Training Squadron of Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) hosted the first of its 2014 series of Red Flag training exercises from January 27th -February 14th. Red Flag is a series of high intensity...

St. George Jet Blast 2013

The phone rang Friday morning with details of the Classic Jet Aircraft Association’s Jet Blast fly-in that was happening in St. George, Uath that is just up the road from where I live. They have a yearly gathering in...

Two Days, Two Candidates in New Hampshire

Election time in the U.S. is the perfect time to capitalize on aviation’s unique capability to transport someone rapidly over long distances. This year, the two most visible presidential candidates used air travel to squeeze in multiple campaign stops...

Santa Claus Makes Seattle Stop in Private Plane

The Jolly Christmas icon arrived at this city’s Museum of Flight aboard a restored single-prop aircraft dubbed “Santa One,” greeting eager children and their parents with Mrs. Claus on a visit from the North Pole.

Santa decided to travel by plane instead of his traditional sleigh because his reindeer are unavailable during daylight hours, he said, and also because they need to rest for next week’s midnight marathon around the world.

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