Tagged: Groom Lake

Dr Sky Interviews Frank Murray CIA A-12 Pilot

Dr Sky interviews Lt. Col Frank Murray who was one of the CIA pilots in Operation “Black Shield”. Frank had the distinction of being one of the pilots who over flew North Korea and took photographs back in 1968...

Salute To A Fallen Airmen – Walter Ray

Photorecon along with Strategic-Beer-Command took a trip today to pay respect to a fallen airman Walter L. Ray. Walter Ray was a civilian pilot for the CIA flying it’s then classified Lockheed A-12 Oxcart. He was lost January 5th...

Fathers Day Hike to Dreamland Resort

Yesterday I checked another item off my list of things I have been wanting to do. I hiked to the top of Tikaboo Peak and peered in on Groom Lake..better know as Area51. I had been planning this trip...

A-12 Oxcart Artist Rendition

I was having so much fun in Photoshop making a lead-in photo for my 928 article that I decide to make a wallpaper sized composition and upload it to Photorecon. That way if any one googles or comes across...

The Search For A-12 Article 125

  (This is a fictional photo: Original US Air Force. Intended to show 60-6928 in flight) This is the story about the Hunt for 928. Precisely known as a/c 60-6928 or labeled by the CIA as Article 125. Workers...

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