Tagged: Super Hornet

Vimy to Fifth Generation in 100 Years.

RAAF Base Edinburgh has just commemorated 100 years of Aviation in South Australia with a worthy showcase of military aviation combining civil flying with historic defence force aircraft. This weekend’s Air Show – the first for 12 years at...

Australian International Airshow 2017 – Avalon, Victoria

Avalon 2017 was characterised by the involvement of the Australian Defence Force – led by RAAF – the Royal Australian Air Force. Avalon provides the alternate venue for the ADF’s airshow presence. Air Force’s Plan Jericho, now well established,...

The 2015 Australia International Airshow

Editor’s note: the Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition 2017 and the 2017 Australian International Airshow will occur between February 28th and March 5th. Here’s a look back at the last event, two years ago… The Australian International Airshow...

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