Category: Airliners

Photo Gallery: Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023

Photos by: Scott Jankowski, Andrew Spry, Anne Taylor and Ken Kula How are your photo ID skills when it comes to turbine (jet) powered airplanes? Here are 40 photos with different types of aircraft which attended the 2023 EAA...

The Flying Colors of Oshkosh – EAA AirVenture 2023 Hues

Photos by Anne Taylor, Scott Jankowski, Andrew Spry, Ken Kula When you have around 10,000 airplanes to compare color schemes against each other, it is without a doubt difficult to pick a favorite. At the EAA’s AirVenture 2023, that’s...

Round-Engined Aircraft at AirVenture 2023 Scrapbook

Photos by Ken Kula and Andrew Spry There were loads of radial engines (sometimes called “round engines”) to be seen and heard at this year’s EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Antique/Classic and Warbird aircraft powered by radials were numerous, and some...

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023 Update #2

Story and photos by Ken Kula The Sunday before AirVenture Oshkosh begins is filled with last minute arranging and rearranging, and putting final touches to booths and displays.  A great deal of aircraft arrive too; they could be for...

The DHC-7 Dash Seven Story

Pan Am Express/Ransome Airlines Dash 7 at Boston, Massachusetts Story and photos by Ken Kula De Havilland Canada designed a niche airliner in the 1970s, which became known as the ” Dash 7″. The DHC-7 was a four-engined turboprop...

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