Category: U.S. Navy

Airshow London’s Sky Drive 2021

The “Sky Drive” format, introduced by Airshow London in 2020, returned for another successful show on August 27-29, 2021. In 2020, when most of the airshows were canceled, those that were held typically featured a drive-in style with built-in...

Spending my Birthday at TOPGUN

With the National Championship of Air Races being canceled in year 2019, we were more than excited to get back to Reno when the news that the 2021 races would go on….Joe and I have been going to the...

Military Aircraft on Display at the 2021 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh

  There were more military aircraft than normal displayed at Oshkosh this year. Some performed in the air, many more were parked as static displays on the grounds. After a strangely quiet year at airshows that were presented in...


EAA President Jack Pelton said it best, “The wait is over”, and indeed it was. It felt so good to be back “home” at AirVenture Oshkosh after last year’s cancellation due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. AirVenture this year...

Our Special Use Lockheed C-130 Photo Scrapbook

The original YC-130 prototype first flew on August 23, 1954… that means we’re coming up on the 67th anniversary of the event. Originally designed as a cargo and troop transport with medivac mission capabilities, the basic C-130 airframe has...

Looking Back, the 2008 Rhode Island International Air Show

The 2008 Rhode Island International Air Show was a wide-ranging celebration of military and civilian aviation.   Some of the highlights were: the Royal Air Force’s Red Arrows were completing their North American Tour, and arrived with their nine-plus...

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