Tagged: world

World War I Aces Keep Flying

When the Patrouille de France travelled to North America in early 2017, they brought along a slice of French military aviation history with each of their Alpha Jets. All eleven of the trainers were emblazoned with a silhouette and...

Reading Pennsylvania World War II Weekend 2016

For twenty-six years the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum located at the Reading, Pa Regional Airport has conducted its World War II Weekend. Consistently attracting a large audience to any venue constantly requires something new and exciting. And that’s just what...

Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s – 21st Anniversary World War II Weekend

The stage was set for the 21st annual WWII Weekend in Reading PA. The cast of characters were the over 2000 military and civilian re-enactors, that assembled here to provide an awesome living history experience.

It has been characterized by many as like being on a movie set…you pass through the gates and you find yourself in a quaint French villa. Soldiers mingling about, while families sit outside their homes, enjoying a cool breeze

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